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V.I.P. Ministry

Director: Mama (Linda) Fox 

The V.I.P. Ministry’s purpose is to connect the new members and visitors to the church and with the Pastors.  This ministry host breakfast meals before or after church for approximately 30 minutes for the Pastors to sit down with new visitors each week.  Visitors are invited to the following week's V.I.P. meal after their first visit. 

To provide an organized meal to welcome visitors/new members to meet the Pastors and be introduced to church. 



  • Provide a formal plated meal for Pastors and visitors. 

  • Create warm and friendly environment to welcome visitors to church.

  • Provide delicious food.

  • Witness to and encourage visitors to make Acts their church home or home-away-from-home.


“And whatsoever ye do, do heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;...” (Colossians 3:23-24).

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