Acts Campus Ministry
at The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality Ministry provides hospitality services to visitors and members on a weekly basis, and helps facilitate the hospitality table and offertory at worship services with an inviting atmosphere and an attitude of love and care. We also answer people’s questions, have an up-to-date list of church resources and activities to inform people of and help them find what they are looking for from worship services, Bible Studies, pastoral help and various ministries available through ACTS Campus Ministry. This role may also include conducting follow-up for visitors with emails, notes, calls, visits, and interfacing with pastors and ministry staff for ministry and personal needs for both members and visitors. With this role, we will be able to strengthen the connections and fellowship between congregation members to stimulate both spiritual growth and social interaction through various congregational connections and events for the purpose of building relationships and sharing Jesus.
Endeavors to create a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees of ACTS Campus Ministry worship meetings and ensure a positive experience for them by minimizing distractions and providing organized service in gathering contact information, answering questions, providing information about ACTS, and collecting offerings.
As a result of feeling welcome and connected to the worship atmosphere all attendees of ACTS Campus Ministry become regular members.
Develop greeters.
Oversee the Hospitality Table for all regular and special worship services. This includes finding volunteers (to prepare the table, provide or add special touches to the display), providing volunteers with the necessary information to prepare the hospitality table, and making sure the area around the table is clean and inviting.
Facilitate the offertory systematically and flawlessly.
Help visitors and members feel welcome at all worship meetings by greeting them with a smile and friendly conversation and guiding them to a seat where they will feel comfortable.
Make every visitor, member, or guest feel special and he/she belongs here.
Eliminate barriers to visitors coming to ACTS Campus Ministry.
Decrease the stress, anxiety and confusion for visitors.
Create a positive attitude about the church with visitors and members.
Encourage transformation from visitor to member.
“For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” (Psalm 84:10).